Extended Campus was established as single point of contact to support enterprise or community groups in all forms of interaction with MTU
Partner: Trustev

09 February, 2014
Trustev, a Cork-based technology company, hopes to save online retailers billions with its fraud prevention technology. Trustev’s patent-pending social fingerprinting technology will make it easier for online retailers to spot and prevent fraudulent transactions.
The Need
As a new start-up company, Trustev required a student intern with business knowledge and a passion for IT, as well as a drive to match the core values of the company and contribute to their success.
The Solution
The Bachelor of Business (Honours) in Information Systems programme delivered by CIT, involves a strong mix of business and technology related topics allowing students to examine the use and management of information technology in a variety of business environments.
Most students spend their placement in established companies with several people working in the same department in defined roles. However, working at a start-up, Michael had to carry out a variety of roles, taking on tasks that overlapped several job functions and the learning curve was steep.
Benefits of the Engagement
Much of Michael’s time at Trustev was spent in sales support where he worked closely with Pat Phelan, CEO and the Trustev sales team. In this role, Michael introduced particular processes and structures that Trustev have now implemented and also raised the brand awareness of the company. Pat Phelan believes that the experience at Trustev was valuable for Michael because, through sampling several roles, it has exposed him to potential career opportunities for the future. In addition, he has learned how to handle the pressures that go with such responsibility. From Michael’s point of view, working so closely with successful entrepreneurs, has opened him up to a rare way of thinking. Michael states that working for a start-up tech company like Trustev has afforded him immeasurable life experience. The placement enhanced his prior learning far beyond his expectations and has left him with a thirst for more knowledge as he heads into his final year in CIT.
Critical Success Factors
One of Michael’s main contributions for Trustev was the marketing role he played in completing applications for a wide variety of competitions and events. Trustev won a number of prestigious awards including The European Tech All Stars Award (presented by the EU Commission), the Vodafone Start Up Awards, Start TLV 2013 overall award and the UK & Ireland Tech Tour 2013. There was a great fit between the student that Trustev required and the candidate put forward by CIT. The needs and expectations of all parties were assessed and considered thoroughly throughout the placement. “I have gained a new vision of where I see my future heading, that vision being working in Start Ups and organisations with the same type of culture as is presently here.” Michael Linehan, CIT BIS Student.
“We believe that this experience will benefit Michael because he got a taste of several roles which he may pursue in the future and also because he learned early on how to handle the pressures that go with such responsibility.” Donal Cahalane, CMO, Trustev.
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