MTU - Be World Ready Trip October 2023

MTU - Be World Ready Trip October 2023

30 May, 2024

As part of a Be World Ready International Field Studies, Niagara College, Canada partnered with MTU, to offer Niagara College students a Global Leadership Development program. The Be World Ready program at Niagara College prepares students for global success through education, exchange and international experiences.

In October 2023 MTU welcomed a cohort of 16 students and their faculty on campus over a 9-day period. The group participated in workshops with industry experts, attended academic sessions on MTU’s Bishopstown campus as well as industry site tours to organisations that work closely with MTU including; Clearstream, VMware and Páirc Uí Chaoimh.

Sean Donovan (MTU Extended Campus) was instrumental in arranging these enterprise visits for the group which was thoroughly appreciated by both the International Office and all individuals in participation.

Industry visits are an invaluable experience as part of the International Field Study experience. At the end of their time in Cork the group were asked for their feedback on their entire experience. One question asked which was the most valuable/worthwhile experience that will contribute to your workplace or studies after this experience in Ireland?  One student quoted “Our experience at VMware was brilliant, learning directly from such passionate, progressive individuals was invaluable.” Another student stated “Our visit to VMware was very valuable for me personally and I really took a lot away from it, I felt so much more motivated to keep going and working as hard as I possibility can to be the student and future successful paramedic and to keep pursing more studies such as ACP to keep learning and to help others.

By actively participating in an International Field Study (IFS) along with the mandatory Be World Ready programme(where students earned 3 US General Elective or Liberal Elective Credits!) students have the chance to practice new skills and develop the global competencies that will distinguish them as a ‘world-ready’ and ‘work-ready’ graduate.

The Lord Mayor of Cork attended a luncheon at MTU’s Tourism & Hospitality student-led restaurant with MTU Colleagues including President Maggie Cusack and together Professor Cusack and Lord Mayor Kieran McCarthy presented the group with participation certificates.

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