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First President of Munster Technological University Announced

10 December, 2020
The Minister for Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science, Simon Harris TD, has announced the appointed of Professor Maggie Cusack as the first President of Munster Technological University (MTU).
MTU will be officially established on 1st January 2021 and will be Ireland’s newest technological university. The consortium of Cork Institute of Technology (CIT) and Institute of Technology Tralee (ITT) was designated as a technological university earlier this year.
On confirmation of her appointment, Prof. Cusack said, “I am thrilled to be appointed inaugural president of Munster Technological University. On 1st January 2021, the culmination of many years of planning, preparation and hard work will come together as Munster Technological University comes into existence.
“MTU’s mission is to lead change and, through education, empower people for a successful future in a globalised world. I look forward to working with my MTU colleagues at this exciting and profoundly important time for staff, students, and all stakeholders to maximise the opportunities of a Technological University to bring educational, economic and social benefit to the region for generations to come”.
Prof. Cusack has a long-established career in academic leadership and research. Currently, the Dean of Faculty of Natural Sciences, Professor of Biomineralisation at the University of Stirling, Prof. Cusack brings a broad portfolio of academic leadership experience and skills that are ideally suited to leading MTU and establishing the University at the forefront of Technological Universities.
In addition to an excellent scientific reputation, Prof. Cusack has led a diverse Faculty in the University of Stirling, a newly merged department at the University of Glasgow as well as successful roles as Graduate School head and International lead. Prof. Cusack will lead MTU at a pivotal time in the history of higher education in Ireland. Her experience and leadership ability will provide the catalyst to launch MTU and guide it through its successful establishment and continued development.
Mr Bob Savage, Chair of CIT’s Governing Body welcomed today’s announcement and the appointment of Prof. Maggie Cusack. “I am delighted to welcome the appointment of Maggie Cusack as President of Munster Technological University. This is a key strategic appointment in our emerging technological university higher education sector. Maggie will lead Ireland’s newest technological university and realise its vision of leading transformation through education. MTU will play a leadership role in the economic, social, and cultural development of the South West region through connected, collaborative, responsive, and inclusive education, engagement, research and innovation,” Mr Savage said.
Mr Lionel Alexander, Chair of IT Tralee’s Governing Body said, “Prof. Maggie Cusack has an outstanding academic record, renowned research, and established leadership. Maggie will provide excellent leadership to MTU and I wish all in the technological university well as they embark on this new and exciting journey. While the primary focus of MTU will be on the region, its success will be dependent on having a national and international outlook. The challenges that exist globally, from climate change to issues of health and equality, all have reflections in, and implications for, the South West region”.