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We Love Startups! CIT Rubicon Centre Open Evening
16 February, 2020
The Rubicon Centre welcomed aspiring entrepreneurs to their open evening, held in the run-up to Valentine’s Day, and took to social media with the hashtag #welovestartups!
Launched in 2006 and based at CIT campus, the Rubicon is home to 42 start-ups and 35 virtual clients. They offer several programmes to support entrepreneurs on their journey and boast an alumnus of over 400 companies using the Rubicon as a platform for growth.
The Rubicon Centre Team at the Open Evening on February 12th
L to R : George Bulman, Operations Manager; Carole O Leary,Regional Programme Manager for 3rd Level Student Entrepreneurship; Leesa McGrath, Rubicon Centre Administrator; Maria Horan, Programmes Coordinator; Lucy O Donoghue, Exxcel Programme Manager; Alison Walsh, New Frontiers Programme Manager; Paul Healy, Rubicon Centre Manager and (in front) Sorcha McMahon, CIT Enterprise Intern.
Lucy O’Donoghue, Exxcel Programme Manager at the Rubicon Centre, explained the idea behind the open evening, “Sometimes people have a business idea and they don’t know where to go or what supports are available. This evening is about letting people know how the Rubicon can assist entrepreneurs at any stage of their business idea”.
As well as members of the Rubicon team, representatives from the local LEO offices, Enterprise Ireland and SECAD were available to answer queries. Founders were also circulating amongst the crowd, eager to share personal experiences of their entrepreneurial journeys.
Aoife McCabe completed the Exxcel Programme in October. Exxcel is a part-time programme aimed at female entrepreneurs with a business idea within the STEM sector (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths). A mechanical and chemical engineer with over 20 years’ experience working with multinational pharmaceuticals, Aoife is currently developing a software-based project management tool for pharmaceutical companies and equipment suppliers.
“Before I started the Exxcel programme I was invited to the New Frontiers showcase and after meeting the participants on the course, I got this feeling - this is me, this is my tribe”, she said. Aoife loved the camaraderie of her female colleagues on the programme. They formed a very strong bond and still meet up every month. “The Rubicon is the one place we felt supported on our mission because it can sometimes be a lonely road”.
Financial constraints can also hamper the pursuit of that great idea. Sachin Saxena, Director of ReEnvite Solutions completed Phase 2 of New Frontiers. As well as the mentoring and customised training he received, he feels the €15,000 stipend provided by the programme is invaluable. “The stipend provides a buffer as you transition from working full-time and the support the programme offers is wonderful as working alone can initially be daunting.”
Stephen Wilson Downey took part in the Student Inc programme in the summer of 2015. A serial entrepreneur, his first business venture was a ready-made meal and since then he has gone on to develop two successful business. Stephen co-founded Spéire, a branding and web development company based in CIT’s Rubicon Centre and then went on to set up AIP Technology, a platform that automates website maintenance for web developers. Having completed Phase 2 of New Frontiers he believes the networking opportunities the programme offers are by far the biggest benefit, adding, “I would choose networking over funding because if your idea is good, the money will follow”.
Wendy Oke knows all about funding. She has recently secured €750,000 for her start-up Teachkloud, a cloud-based application enabling early years educators to streamline all aspects related to managing their business. Wendy also began her journey with Student Inc and has continued to Phase 2 of New Frontiers.
Wendy attributes her success to the ecosystem in the Rubicon and CIT. “I found the New Frontiers programme amazing; it changed my whole life. When I first started Teachkloud it was a resource website, now it’s a management application. I was able to avail of lots of CIT interns who helped me to develop the app, get it out there and show it to customers.”
Panel Discussion
L to R : Frank Fleming, Verfish; Wendy Oke, Teachkloud and Tricia Balfe, XMLdation in conversation with Alison Walsh, New Frontiers Programme Manager.
Wendy was one of the speakers included on a panel discussion with Rubicon alumni and clients who shared their experiences and what to consider before starting a new business. Frank Fleming founded his company Marine Applications, now Verifish, in 2009. Frank relocated his offices to the Rubicon in 2015, during which time he engaged a student on work placement to develop an online presence for the company.
Frank said of that move, “Having full-time web development capacity in-house and the benefits of working within the greater eco-system of the Rubicon Centre have been critical elements in growing the company.” Frank’s advice to aspiring entrepreneurs on beginning their journey was, "if you don't get on the bus you're not going anywhere".
Tricia Balfe co-founded Nomos Software in 2007. In 2017 Nomos Software partnered with Finnish company XMLdation, who now provide software solutions to more than 20 banks and financial transaction providers around the world. Tricia’s advice to prospective founders was, “don’t risk anything you're not willing to lose".
If you missed the Rubicon’s open evening and you think you may have a great business idea, Lucy O’Donoghues’ advice is to go to, fill out an expression of interest form and check out the courses on offer. “Our team have gathered huge experience drawn from years of working in different sectors within different organisations. It’s a very safe supportive environment and everything that happens here is on a confidential basis.”