Be Inspired For Success - CIT Innovation Week 2017

Be Inspired For Success - CIT Innovation Week 2017

09 March, 2017

On Tuesday 7th of March as part of CIT Innovation Week, 3 successful female founders delivered a informal seminar about their journey to success. The seminar was held in the seminar room of the Nimbus Centre.

Sarah Leather was the MC for the seminar and delivered the questions to the entrepreneurs in a informal fashion, which created a comfortable and enjoyable atmosphere.

Trish, who co-founded a software company that sells to banks, advised the audience to choose to do things rather than feel like you obligated to do it. She felt that she knew what she wanted to risk and what not to risk when it came to making important decisions about the business. Trish also informed everyone that she found having a female mentor in the finance area helped her find her way at the beginning of the business. 

Liz Horgan, who runs a natural skincare business, stated that in order for you to be successful you must surround yourself with like-minded people. She had worked in the fashion industry before the launch of her own business, so she had the knowledge of the market but she needed help with the product development. That's when she found help from The Rubicon Centre.

Margaret Shine, founded Sensory RL (Sensory RL), she had moved from working with an MNC to building her own business. Margaret believed that her product was unique in the market and that it would be a success due to that. Sensory RL deals with marketing to the senses of the customer, which she stated was what connects your product to the customer. 12 months after the business launch, they had their first MNC customer. 


Overall the Female Founders seminar was a huge success and gave every women in attendance a taste of what it is like to go out on your own and make it happen. #BeInspiredForSuccess

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