Honor Cooper-Kovács of tackt.com speaks for CIT Industry Expert Seminar Series

Honor Cooper-Kovács of tackt.com speaks for CIT Industry Expert Seminar Series

03 March, 2017

Honor Cooper-Kovács delivered a workshop on Leadership and Change Management to 4th year Marketing students, as well as the International Business Masters class.

She has been located in Berlin since 1979 and has a love of telling stories and that came across throughout her delivery of the workshop.

She encouraged 100% participation from all students, and that's exactly what she got. Each group had a nominated spokesperson who presented their illustrated answers for the 3 questions posed to them by Honor Cooper-Kovács. 

She informed the students that everything begins and ends with self-leadership and that people learn leadership skills when facing difficult situations. Cooper-Kovács stated that good leadership is to 'know that we don't know'. 

After today's session the students gained insight into what it means to be an excellent leader and not to be afraid of change and to adapt to it. 


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