Developing Your Workforce

In any economic climate having a dynamic workforce to respond in a timely fashion to changes in demand and focus, can be a source of competitive advantage for an organisation. We have worked with many large and small companies in a variety of industries to help them identify up-skilling and reskilling opportunities for employees. The intention is that the solutions respond to the needs of the workplace but also the personal skill development of the employee.

In MTU we have a variety of off the shelf course solutions which could meet your requirements. As part of our efforts to respond more readily to external demands customised courses may be a more appropriate solution. Customised courses can be equivalent to a full academic award or if more appropriate could be a special purpose award which focuses on developing particular skillsets. Invariably these qualifications take less time and represent less credit weighting than a major award at the same level.

In addition MTU are very mindful that employees generally come with a significant amount of learning which they have gained through their workplace. Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and Work Based Learning (WBL) are two elements which can be encompassed within a customised programme to build on the learning already held by an employee.

If you would like more information on what is available in MTU in terms of learning opportunities we offer a Learning Clinic service which involves us visiting your premises at a time convenient to yourself and your employees to discuss course options, RPL and WBL opportunities.

To discuss your learning needs contact or phone us at 021 433 5302. 


Continuing Professional Development

Munster Technological University provides a wide variety of courses for those seeking to continue and to enhance their education.  With the rapid changes in society, the workplace and technologies we recognise that opportunities for continuing education and professional development are now more essential than ever.  The extensive range of courses with flexible modes of delivery provides accessible routes to accredited awards for a wide variety of learners.  In addition to international recognition through the Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI) many of our courses are recognised by the appropriate professional bodies.

MTU is offering 31 Springboard+ courses as part of its suite of part-time programmes. Courses at NFQ Level 6 are free for those in employment. For employed participants on courses NFQ level 7–9, 90% of the course
fee is funded by the Government, with participants required to contribute just 10% of the fee. Please click here for details and eligibility.

Our Continuing Education handbook lists over 140 courses many of which have been specifically designed to provide professional and career development opportunities matched to specific employment sectors.
• Please click here to download a pdf of the Continuing Education Courses Handbook 
• Please click here for A-Z Listing of Evening & Weekend Courses at MTU and click on the "Apply" tab of the course information webpages for details on how to apply.
MTU has a process which allows you to get recognition for what you already know through a previous academic programme, through courses at work or through work or life experience.  This process of Recognition of Prior Learning can be used to allow learners to gain access to courses or to reduce study time to achieve an award.
More information on Recognition of Prior Learning is available at

To discuss your learning needs contact or phone us at 021 433 5302

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